Select ALL Sessions Attending*

  • Tuesday, Oct 22 - MCAH Action Business

    1pm - 5pm: MCAH Action Business Meeting and Strategic Planning

    Price $60.00

  • Wednesday, Oct 23 - Education Day

    8am - 5pm: MCAH Action Education Day

    Price $120.00

  • Thursday, Oct 24 - State Day

    8:30am - 4:30pm: CDPH MCAH State Training Day

    Price $0.00

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the California WIC Association, its successors, board, officers, employees and agents from any and all liability for injuries and damages which may arise as a result of my participation in any and all meeting activities. I am aware that the California WIC Association does not carry medical insurance for participants in this activity. I will additionally permit the use of my name and pictures in printed and non-printed formats such as pamphlets, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Release Form: I understand that the California WIC Association has the absolute and irrevocable permission to use the films, photographs, video or audio recordings taken of me at the MCAH Action Meeting October 22-24-2024.

I understand and agree that the films, photographs, tapes or audio recordings may be used, re-used, published or re-published only for the purpose of developing and providing education, advertising, outreach, advocacy, and community awareness services.

I understand that the films, photographs, tapes or audio-recordings could be used, re-used, published, or re-published now and in the future in printed and non-print formats such as pamphlets, newsletters, newspapers, magazines and on the web or internet site. If used on the web or internet site the same will be available for worldwide distribution. The same could be used whole or in part, individually or with other photographs or images.

I grant the California WIC Association the right to copyright these films, photographs, tapes or audio-recordings in the name of the California WIC Association or MCAH Action. I acknowledge and agree that I will receive no financial compensation for the use of these films, photographs, tapes or audio recordings.

By clicking the box to accept the Terms & Conditions I release the California WIC Association, its successors and assigns, board, officers, employees and agents from any and all liability or claims from the use or re-use of these films, photographs, tapes or audio recordings of me including, but not limited to any claims of defamation or invasion of privacy.

I acknowledge that I am of legal age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the content thereof. If under 18 years of age, the signature of a parent or guardian is required.

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